Service Locator

The Jasny\DB class is a service locator. It grants access to registries and builders.

With the service locator your application can access any part of model from anywhere in the code, including other model classes.

Connection Registry

The service locator holds a single instance of a connection registry. If the application has only one database connection, it can be simply registered as 'default'.

When there are multiple connections, you can get one of the connections by name.

$db = DB::conn(); // The default connection
$crm = DB::conn('crm-backend');

You can get the registry by using:

$connections = Jasny\DB::getConnectionRegistry();

If needed you can use a custom registry, you can set it:

$connections = new App\ConnectionRegistry();


To configure the connections use

    'default' => [
        'driver'    => 'mysql',
        'database'  => 'database',
        'host'      => 'localhost',
        'username'  => 'root',
        'password'  => 'secure',
        'charset'   => 'utf8'
    'external' => [
        'driver'    => 'rest',
        'host'      => '',
        'username'  => 'user',
        'password'  => 'secure'

This is the same as calling Jasny\DB::getConnectionRegistry()->configure().

Mapper Registry

The service locator holds a single instance of a mapper registry. The map() method is a shortcut for creating a mapper.

$users = Jasny\DB::map(User::class)->fetchAll();

If you need direct access to the mapper you can use

$mappers = Jasny\DB::getMapperRegistry();

To use a custom mapper registry use

$mappers = new App\MapperRegistry();

EntitySet Builder

The service locator holds a single instance of a entity set builder which is returned by the entitySet() method. Using the builder will clone rather than modify this instance, allow you to further specify the build.

$users = Jasny\DB::entitySet()->forClass(User::class)->build($records);

You may set a custom entityset builder:

$builder = new App\EntitySetBuilder();