Maintainable code

To create maintainable code you SHOULD at least uphold the following rules:

  • Don't access the database outside your model classes.
  • Use traits or multiple classes to separate database logic (eg queries) from business.
  • Keep the number of ifs limited. Implement special cases by overloading.


SOLID embodies 5 principles principles that, when used together, will make a code base more maintainable over time. While not forcing you to, Jasny DB supports building a SOLID code base.

Interfaces and traits

Functionality of Jasny DB is defined in interfaces and defined in traits around a single piece of functionality or design pattern. The use an a specific interface will trigger behaviour. Traits may or may not be used to implement the interface without consequence.

Base classes

In the Jasny\DB\Base namespace, there are objects that implement these interfaces using the traits. Using and extending these objects, makes it easier to use the library.

Rather than using these base objects, you may choose to create you're own base classes. Dependency is always on interfaces, never on classes.